
Showing posts from December, 2017

Important links for international students studying in Japan

v This is the official link provided by Japanese government for the assistance of international student current studying in japan or wiling to study in japan. The page covers the wide range of information including for Japanese students who want to study abroad. 1.       Japanese Government ( Monbukagakusho: MEXT ) Scholarship 2.       Japan Student Services Organization ( JASSO ) 3.       Main Measures and Support System to Foreign Students  §   Scholarships for Study in Japan §   Guide to Information Center for International Education §   Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students ( EJU ) §   Japan Education Fairs §   Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education §   The Foundation of Corporate Friendship Network for Foreign Students v

10 hot technical trends for 2018

The list is prapared based on the research by leading mobility research company Erission and complete research result can be find on it's official web site as well. All the copyright of this article is with Erission. Respondents were advanced internet users aged 15−69, who have an urban early adopter profile with high average use of new digital technologies such as intelligent voice assistants, virtual reality headsets and augmented reality applications. 1.  Tomorrow, your devices will know you 2.  Trend 1. Your body is the user interface 3.  Trend 2. Augmented hearing 4.  Trend 3. Eternal newbies 5.  Trend 4. Social broadcasting 6.  Trend 5. Intelligent ads 7.  Trend 6. Uncanny communication 8.  Trend 7. Leisure society 9.  Trend 8. Your photo is a room 10.  Trend 9. Streets in the air 11.  Trend 10. The charged future 10 Hot technical Trends 2018 The research indicates actual scenario of technical trends and provides the way for researcher

Taxation of Wages for International student in Japan

There is a tax deduction when you receive your payment from a part-time job. Japanese taxing system is briefly explained as follow. Two Kinds of Tax for a Part-timers National tax deducted from the part time job salary is called "Income tax". An employer of a company or a shop owner will deduct this tax money and pay to the department of revenue instead of you. The income tax is based on the amount earned from jobs. If it is a translation work, tax deduction will be 10% for those who stay in Japan for more than one year and 20% for those whose income is more than 1,000,000 JPY. The National revenue office will report your income information to the local offices and you will be charged local municipal Taxes separate from the national tax. National Tax is Based on Annual Income The income tax that is paid to the country is deducted from each wage, but the final amount of deduction will be based on the total salary of the year. From February 16 to March 15 of eac

Christmas Celebration in Japan

आज 2017 डिसेम्बर डिसेम्बर 17 तारिक , म जपान को अति ब्यस्त टोक्यो महानगरको, ग्रामिन् इलाका मा रातको रातको एघार बजे सडकपेटी मा हिड्दै गर्दा देखेको द्रिश्य हो यो, हुन त हमि स्कुल् पढ्ने  बेलादेखि जापनि हरुलाइ बुद्ध धर्मलम्बि भनेर पढ्ने गर्थेउ तेहि सत्य हो जस्तो लाग्थ्यो तर जब म 2014 मा  जापान टेके वस्ताविकता फरक् थियो, यो समयको परिवर्तन् सङै जापानि हरुमा आएको परिवर्तन् पनि हुनसक्छ अथवा हामिले बस्तुगत आधार् बिनानै पठ्यपुस्तक् तयार् पारेको पनि हुनसक्छ ,मेरो बुझाइमा दोश्रो कुरानै सहि हो जस्तो लाग्छ किनभने मैले भेटेर कुरकानि गर्दा जापानिहरु हमिले भने। जस्तो बुद्ध धर्मको अनुसरन् गरेको मनिस पाउन अति नै गार्हो पर्यो । जापान का अधिकाम्स मानिस हरु क्रिस्चियन् धर्मालम्बि छ्न् र अफुहरुलाइ क्रिस्चियन् भन्नुमै गर्ब गर्दछन्। अब कूरा गरौ क्रिस्चियन् सन्स्क्रिति र तेसको प्रभावका सम्बन्धमा,  येहाका स-साना देखि ठुलठुला कम्पनि र् गरिब् देखि धनि सबै को लागि क्रिसमस सबभन्दा ठुलो पर्ब हो । जसलाइ मनाउनको लागि कम्पनि , बिध्यालय अनि सरकारि निकाए सबैतिर बिदाक

नीगाता का नेपाली विद्यार्थी

नीगाता का नेपाली विद्यार्थी Nepali Students in Niigata एदी तपाई जापान को नीगाता भन्ने सहर मा भाषा पड़ना आउदै हुनुहुन्छ भने पक्कै पनि तपाई म पदेकै कलेज मा भर्ना हुनु भए जस्तो छ ! काम गरेर जापानी भाषा पढेर बर्ष दिन भित्र आउदा लागेको ऋण तिर्न सक्छु भन्नु हुन्छ भने त्यो तपाइको मूर्खता बाहेक केहि होइन ! निगाता सहर ठुलो देखिए पनि तपाई ले सोचे जस्तो काम पाइने सहर होइन ! अझ बर्ष को ३-४ महिना हिउ पर्ने ठाउँ हो यो ! यहाँ भाषा पद्नु भनेको नेपाल को बागबजार को गल्लि मा भाषा पढे सरह हो ! फरक येही हो कि त्यहाँ इन्स्टिच्युट साना एक कोठे हुन्छन् तर यहाँ अलिक ठुलो ! अर्को कुरा , एदी तपाई नेपाल मा अवसर नपाएर जापान आउनु हुन्छ भने बरु मास्टर मा भर्ना हुनुहोस् ! यहाँ थुप्रै बिश्वबिध्यालय छन् जसले अंग्रेजी मा पडाउछन् ! यहाँ आहिले जापानी भाषा को बर्षीक ६००००० तिर्नु पर्ने हुन्छा !त्यो मास्टर पड्ने खर्च जत्तिकै हो ! नीगाता सहर भने राम्रो छ ! तर यो नागोया जस्तो औद्योगिक सहर भने होइन ! यहाँ धान खेति हुन्छ !नेपाली ले काम गर्ने बिशेस त खानेकुरा प्याकिङ गर्ने कम्पनी,होटल मा सफा गर्ने ,भारी बोक्ने कम्पनी त